Sunday 24 April 2011

we still love ourselves even,after doing many mistakes,then how can we hate others for their single mistakes??

haii sumer=)

dis is my 1st entry,,,
da mmg lumrah khdpn sbg manusia la kan,,kan,

pnh tk korg mengalami situasi cm kt bwh ni:
law pnh.... kenyit mata cm saya,,wahhahahaha,kak limah tk mrh you...^^

ni sumer salah ko!!! taw tk??tk tw??aku ketuk jgk ko nih bg tau!hahah

1.ko nih,tula!aku da ckp jgn buat,kan dah kene!ni sumer ko nye pasal!huh!!

2.ala,nape ko tak anta cpt2,tk pasal2 aku yg kene,arghh..serabut tol r ko ni..

3.nape ko tk gtw aku awl2,law tk tk jd cmnila!siot tol!!

4.wei!asal ko tk kejutkan aku td,,mampus r ak lewat hr ni!lec ak dala garang!iras2  beruang you!

ok,,ok!!jgn ckp korg tk pnh buat,,,hahaa...

sbb ak byk kali buatla aku nk share ng korg,,remind myself too,ahaaa!tau pn ko..

ala,cam pakcik kt bawah ni cakap la kan....

Why is that? 
hurm,,,we all make mistakes.right??
 That is part of being human. 
And while I certainly can accept that you make mistakes, it becomes very difficult to accept that I may be wrong.

In theory I accept that as a human I err, but when it comes down to real life situations, I just seem never to be wrong.

u know guys?!!"i love error + mistakes!!..........=p

kenape yer??hehe

i luv making them. I hate them once I've maide them

But I accept thet I make them continually. Even while fixxing them I make mor. I cn never ween, but I strive to do better necks time. Thatz learning and it's funn. That's mooving upwards.

Deliberaytely cutting corners I luve.

It's hard enough to solve won problem without solving "problems" that you have setted yourself on top. Every soloosion involves a trade-off, an optimisazon. 


biaselah,,salah org sumer nmpk,tp slh diri sendirik yg menggunung bagai,,,ah!ade jela alasan ko erk,,

ni bkn salah aku,,

maafla,br sekali kot,,

ak tk tau pn,

ak tk sngjela,,

eh, ak tk tw pm,,,,erkkkk>??

ayat tk bleh bla,nak menang aje,wakakaka...

nih,nasihat tuk ak ng korg la kan,,sumtime erk,kite tkle la nk bersikap unfair je tw..
pls.....plss.....plss la weii,

taula ko tu pandai+cantik+terkenal+hensem+ramai yg admire kt korg...

tp,jgnla bersikap pentingkan diri jer sampai tk tw nk jage ht org...came on la beb.kite hdp bermasyarakt..n kdg2 kite perlu akui kesalahan kite,,,huhu,,terimalh hakikat korg bukan malaikat,,,,buat itu ini sumer betul,sampai tkle trima hakikatt,yg pasti salah kite amatlah dasattt.ala,salah ttp salah erk!jgn asyik nk berdalih je!..hohohoo..cut cut!

habih dah,heheheh

nway,,last but not least!thnk yaw!hehe,,slm ceria...=)always cool ya!walaupn kt mlysia bkn musim seleji,,hakhakkkkkkhakkkkk