Tuesday 19 July 2011

i love ducks more than i love u....SORRY=(

hello everyone!!! 
did u knw guys???

i LOVE<3 ducks!...really3x=).... the're sooo cute and fluffy..isn't it?? esp wen there small and cute! awww. wen i move out i will have to get a big garden and keep 
thm in a big pond at the one of it..


guys!.. i feel so bad..'cause i've lost all my LIL DUCK.. what can i do?
FYI....b4,,I had 3 muscovy ducks in my backyard (it's a large yard with an inground pool converted to a pond that they liked to swim in) and yesterday morning i noticed all of them was gone! i asked all my neighbours thinking it may have jumped over the fence but they have not seen her either.. (but no sign of blood or scratches on the fence). I have no idea what happened...muscovies can't fly very far so I don't think she would have gotten that far. MALAYSIA doesn't have foxes and my yard is well enclosed so i don't know how a predator could have got in. Has this happened to anyone else/ does anyone have any advice on finding my duck? :( 

MAYBE,,,Every one of them was eaten by raccoons! So I learned my mistake and spent weeks building a raccoon-proof cage for new three more ducklings.

 Alas, it didn’t take more than 2 nights for the weasels to find them!

 I said it was worth it… because some lessons must be 
And every time I think of it....
I pinch myself cuz I don't believe it's true

i still cry sometimes when i remember THEy Were really GONE~~UWARRR

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